Isn't this just the best idea ever? 
So, as some of you already know. I had a blog before and when I moved to Australia I thought I was going to take my blog to the ''next level'' and blog about travelling and so on... But at one point I just felt I didn't want to spend as much time by my computer writing blog posts, when I can spend that time exploring instead. But here I am again. With another blog haha. Please know, I won't go back blogging the same way as I used too, and with that I mean I won't post 4 times a day. This won't be a daily blog. This will be MY journey. MY thoughts and tips about moving to the other side of the world. My experinces from travelling and my ups and downs during that journey. 
So, since I am a creative soul I still needed to put my feelings into words during those months I wasn't blogging. So I actually bought a diary. And for me, that's such a great way to go back and read through what my days have been like living in Australia. It's such a personal thing and I'll probably won't share it with anyone else. Lots of the pages are filled with happiness, thoughts, but also days when I've questioned myself WHY I moved this far.
Don't get me wrong. The move to Australia is my best desicion I've ever made but it's not all glitter and fairy dust. And also, a move like this is a BIG change. You grow as a person and learn new things. I'll probably make a post about that another day. But how ever, I saw this little ''letters to myself''-box at KIKKI K and ofcourse I bought it. I just think it's such an amazing idea to do for yourself. I won't write all the letters straight away, but my plan is to put the dates on the letters so when I'm older I can look back on what my feelings and thoughts was. A fun way to capture moments and thoughts.
xx Em